Friday, 15 May 2015

Local updates

Business as usual.

A young Great Spotted Cuckoo begging food from a Hooded Crow on the football pitch this morning. Despite a long and very vocal appeal the crow was unmoved and refused to give up whatever it was holding in its crop. Time for this cuckoo to start fending for itself.

Besor Reservoir was quite good this morning - lots of common birds around today that weren't apparent last weekend - House Martin, Rufous Bush-robin, Grey Heron (Purple outnumber Grey c. 5:1 this year) etc. And of course, this cracking Feruginous Duck. These ducks are wary and swim off into the reeds at the slightest pretext but this drake sat preening in perfect light (albeit 100 m away).

Apropos of ducks, there have been a few Garganey around. This pair is from the beginning of the month - really well turned out birds!

One or two Honey Buzzards still coming through, This one had me going for a bit - 6 fingers or 5 plus a stub? I'm a huge fan of the Canon SX50 HS but for flight shots a DSLR is so much better (and that is what I wish I'd brought with me too).

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NW India - 9th to 22nd February 2020 (Kosi River, Corbett NP, Haripur Dam, Pangot, Sattal, Chopta, Walterre)

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