I spent 17th to 27th August in Cairns, ostensibly for a conference, but I managed to pack a few hours of birding in too. Cairns foreshore lived up to its well-deserved name as a wader hotspot. I also hired a car for a couple of days and managed a whistle-stop tour of Atherton Tablelands (thanks Alan) and the dryland area just to the N - Lake Mitchell and environs (thanks John) . These are field shots of a few of the 150+ species I saw.
I packed the Fieldguide to Australian Birds (Morecombe. Steve Parish Publishing Pty Ltd). I found it to be a very useful and extremely well designed fieldguide. I know it has its detractors but every bird I saw was easily found and id'd in this guide. Recommended.
The photos below were all taken with a Nikon D80 + Sigma 150-500. I'm still getting used to bird photography so I make no apologies for the poor quality of some of the pics.
Note: these are arranged alphabetically
Australian black duck
Australian bustard
Australian hobby
Australian oystercatcher
Australian pelican
Black-fronted dotterel
Beach stone curlew
Black butcherbird
Black faced cuckoo-shrike
Brahminny kite
Brown falcon
Black shouldered kite
Bush stone curlew
Caspian tern (Grey tailed tattlers and Eastern curlew)
Crested pigeon
Crested tern (acrobatic!) with Gull-billed terns and Silver gulls
Curlew sandpiper
Forest kingfisher
Great bowerbird and blue-faced honeyeaters
Great egret
Great knot and Sharp-tailed sandpipers
Grey fantail
Gull-billed tern
Laughing kookaburra
Little egret
Little shrike-thrush
Magpie lark
Mangrove robin (bad light)
Mistletoe bird
Orange-footed scrubfowl
Pale yellow robin
Peaceful dove
Pied butcherbird
Rainbow bee-eater
Red-backed fairy-wren
Red-backed kingfisher
Red-capped plover
Red-kneed dotterel
Red-necked stint (Great knot and Bar-tailed godwit)
Red-winged parrot
Royal spoonbill
Saurus crane (poor quality)
Scaly-breasted parrot
Silver gull
Spangled drongo
Straw-necked ibis
Striated heron
Striated pardalote
Terek sandpiper (Great knot, Grey-tailed tattler, Eastern curlew)
Varied honeyeater
Varied triller
White-bellied cuckoo-shrike
White-faced heron
White-throated honeyeater
White-browed crake
White-browed robin
Yellow honeyeater
With many thanks to birdguiders Alan Gillanders (http://www.alanswildlifetours.com.au) and John Seale (johnsealeoz@yahoo.com), and Birds Australia North Queensland (http://birdsaustralianq.org).
1 comment:
Your pictures are wonderful.
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